
Our goal is to walk with Pastor Charley Westbrook and the staff to fulfill our church's three-step process. We exist to helping people CONNECT to GOD through Jesus Christ and COMMIT to GROW more like Christ and His followers in Growth Groups. And as we grow we are COMPELLED to GO fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION and bless others so they may become fully devoted followers of Christ. Part of being a fully devoted follower of Jesus is learning to WORSHIP Him. We want you to be involved and get connected to God in WORSHIP!

The desire of HIGHPoint Church’s worship ministry is to design a Christ-focused worship service, marked by excellence and intentionality, by empowering the body of Christ in using their creative and artistic gifts.  The following opportunities are available to those wishing to serve in our 10:30 am Worship Service.

© 2025 First Baptist Church | Lake Worth   |   127 S M St., Lake Worth, FL US 33460